
Friday, January 2, 2015

League of Legends Tips

Last Hit

Last hit is a League of Legends Term used to describe the act of killing a minion or a jungle monster for gold.
In today's Post i'll list 5 tips to help you better farm your lane:

 5) Using Abilities:
Using abilities to farm is a great way to clear waves faster, however it's a little bit tricky, since most champions uses Mana it won't be wise to spam all your spells on creeps especially at early levels (from lvl 1 to lvl 6 consider using abilities on you opponent).

 4) Autoattacks:
Farming with autoattacks is the most easy way to farm, but it's not always that simple! You should be able to know the difference between minions:

 "Caster minions":

 -Long ranged minions,

-easy to take down,

-careful to not lose them to other ally minions, 
-Gold given=16.5g

 "Melee minions"

-Have more health
-Always in front line
-More gold than caster minions.
-Gold given=22.5g

"Cannon minions"

 -Even more health
-Take 50% less dammage from turrets.
-One spawns every 3 waves
-Make sure to farm these as the gold given is huge=27g

3) Farming the jungle (optional):
Farming the jungle monsters can give you some extra gold but that depends on how the game is going and whether your ally jungler needs he's camps or not!

2) Safe Or Agressive Play:
 In  league of legends games it's all about your oponent and how you are doing against him:
-Play safe  if you are losing trades, mostly farm under turret and wait for ganks.(farming under turret will be covered in other posts)
-play agressive only if your 100% sure that you will kill him or if he is a late game champion so it's better to kill him as fast early game. (this way you will be farming after he's dead).

1) Tanking minions: 
 No matter why you decided to tank the minion wave (zoned, bad cs , wave clear...), you should understand that you'll be taking huge dammage from minions so consider getting some health regen/lifesteal.
-Just outside the turret before the wave reachs it stand their and tank it, you will get all the creeps.

 Thanks for reading, hope this helped you a bit,
more posts are coming soon,


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